2015 BSB Donington: Race 1 Highlights | Sport | Motorcyclenews.com

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Highlights from race one at the opening round of the 2015 MCE British Superbike Championship at Donington Park.

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MCN - Motorcyclenews.com says:
Julie Sargent says:

A very good opening round. Well done Yamaha on your podium first time out.
It should not take Josh long to get this bike to start a little better and
be very competitive,he came back well in both races considering he came off
in the second race. This showing the Yamaha is again on its game and could
run at the front. Well done Josh.

Samurai H says:

Great race
Shame on Kyo and nicely done by Ellison

Serdy says:

What was Ellison riding? I didn’t catch it.

Fraser Heginson says:

When’s it on its ????

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