How fast does it go? HP4 v Hayabusa v ZZR1400 | Special |

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Here’s one group test that BMW’s S1000RR might not win. BMW’s ultimate version of the S1000RR; their super-advanced HP4, is current champion in its class, and won our MCN superbike shootout hands down.

This week it takes on the challenge of top speed against the big-power hyperbikes, Kawasaki’s ZZr1400 and Suzuki’s Hayabusa.

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Alan Thomas says:

So glad in mph! what the fuck relevance has kmh to do do with us?
meaningless! anyway!: hopefully Nigel may rescue us all from this metric
bullshit eh? 


2015 aprilia rsv4 rf is the best stock superbike on the world right now

hung huge says:

Lets face it the busa and zzr aren’t built just for outright numbers
anymore (were they ever?). They’re built so you can use a lot of their
performance most of the time without stressing the bike or rider all that
much. The HP4 is fast but you have to wring it’s neck to get that speed.
That’s just not how most people ride on the road especially when they just
paid £12k+ for the bike. Then there’s the badge. Suzuki and Kawasaki are
decent enough names in bikes but BMW can command a premium. That allows
them to develop a more extreme machine and use more expensive parts. What
I’m trying to say is if Kawasaki or Suzuki were less price point limited
and just wanted numbers there would be 50kg less weight in those big
bruisers and easily an extra 50hp. 

najee mitchell says:

If this was meant to be a top speed test, i.e testing how fat it’ll go; the
results should’ve been verified with gps, not the on-board speedometers
which are known to be inaccurate.

KathrynLiz1 says:

Preachin’ to the choir here, but for the “keyboard Valentino Rossis” out
there, here’s some numbers……
All of the speedos that I have checked (several different cars and bikes,
checked on radar) are all set pretty much dead on 10% fast. I was quite
surprised how consistent this was. Apparently, they do this to avoid people
in the more litigative societies suing them for getting a speeding ticket
with a legal-ish speed on the clock.
10% is quite a lot though…. 60 indicated, speed 54… 100 indicated,
speed 90…..150 indicated speed 135….. 200 indicated, speed 180….. 250
indicated, speed 225.
It’s a percentage error that gets bigger in mph or kph as the speed goes up.
A true 125mph (200 km/hr) is bloody fast on most roads, no matter what the
‘clocks’ say. As for tachometers, I have found that they tend to be a bit
closer to the truth (because errors are less likely to lead to lawsuits?).
My old CBR has a speedo (mechanical, front wheel driven) that reads dead on
10% fast (same as my car) with standard tyre pressures, and a tach that is
accurate to under half that (surprise!)… at 5K on the dial the engine is
doing 4,900 which is only 2% off… checked with an electronic tach. The
one on the bike is triggered by the ‘sparks department’ so I guess is
easier to get right straight ‘off the shelf’……?
Outright speed is not that important on the road for most of us, but the
track is a different story (I am not able to afford track days on the OAP!).
I am a road rider in a country (NZ) with a universal 100km/hr (62 mph) open
road limit. With 110 on the clock I am right on it; the police usually give
us 10km/hr tolerance (4km/hr on some holiday weekends) before they get out
their ticket book, so if I have under 120 on the dial (108 true), I am
usually OK on a normal day.
I would recommend that everyone check out their own speedo with a good GPS
(tracking at least 8 satellites at the time) or on radar, to see where they
stand vis their vis true velocity. Might save you some shekels; or your
One thing you can be sure of though, and that is that if you have the legal
limit on the clock, you’re well under it….
Keep safe out there guys…. :-)

nikoss1000rr says:

I am noticing that zzr has akra exhaust and from the factory the hp4 has
full akra exhaust so I think that it would be appropriate to test a
hayabusa with a full exhaust too!I can’t notice from the video what exhaust
is the busa running!

08turboSS says:

Before I even watch this, 186 mph, for all 3. Kinda a stupid thing to test
top speed on governed bikes. We all know 300kph/186 mph is the limit. 

LiveToRide says:

this guy is absolutely insane 2:10 filled my stomach with butterflies 


U should have compared them with BMW k1300s and not hp4 which is meant for
corners and is a race bike….

richard carr says:

WOW they re fast but l noticed how cheap the BMW s dash looks ,both the
others look way more upscale with the SUZUKI looking cleanest .Also like
SUZUKI s resovoirs better too .Now the KAWASAKI appears to be most
streetable with higher windscreen and controls .l m gonna have look them
all up now :)

Christopher DiPietro says:

I don’t know…”from a roll” around 40mph I’ve beaten “wiped the floor” with
almost every bike I can think of with regular add ons of course, pipe,
filter, etc….not talkin turbos here and whatnot. I ride a 09 cbr1000rr with
a full system akra, tune, thats all….40-150 most bikes I’ve faced have
little to no chance…..they can’t hang with the midrange grunt….never raced
the beemer

Buggusmac says:

Gotta love that guy!! Just taking the bikes to their limits without a care
in the world. A few times he sounded nervous, but big balls nonetheless!!
I’ve tested the Busa, and a couple of R1s and can tell you truthfully both
are plenty of fun pulling the throttle! The difference in these three bikes
will make no difference whatsoever to the avg person buying one. You need a
ballsy guy like this one to quantify crazy results…God bless his heart…

08turboSS says:

The busa hit a higher seed on that little last straight, so take that Kawi,
your 14R can’t take down the Essex Busa. I believe the HP4 is rated at 199

D SAK says:


Max Power says:

BMW HP4: “Woooor”
This could be an advertising slogan.

Hinrich .Tode says:

Well, this is not how you compare the potentials of bikes. When you shift
like driving a Saloon car you will never get results which shows the real
potential. We could hear how scared you have been on the bike….. Next
time, you better wait for better weather conditions Chicken :-))

bajabilly2004 says:

money being involved you cant beat the zx14, had a 2012 and i miss it now..

mattheginger says:

So for all realistic purposes the kawasaki is the quickest, the suzuki is
the slowest.. Yet I’d still buy the busa 😉 

08turboSS says:

Sorry that’s the 15′ S1000RR that’s rated 199. Try a new S1KRR. And a 10R,

Nopiw says:

I’d rather hear the bike than this moron screaming useless crap

RandomThingamajig says:

so this was basically a comparison of the zzr1400 and the hp4 with the
hayabusa there like the little brother trying to look cool to his older

Bernardo Santos says:

what would happen if bmw boosted the engine up to 1400cc from

MrAssholebynature1 says:

Fuck doing it that way would have been better if they got to run them at
the same time grab 2 other riders and nail them bitches this is gay as a
mutha fucka 

madmanownzall says:

Sounds like so much fun 

anthonyrgray says:

All 3 bikes are extraordinary. I have the ZZR, a real pussycat but my god
when you roll it on.
It is so comfortable and easy to live with…..but give her the respect she
deserves. Love it!

MrDinodane says:

Test on damp pavement = waste of my time. Do you guys even know what the
sun looks like lol?




Lee Yarbrough says:

put the beemer on the motogp circuit or wsbk or whatever an its gets riped
up everytime…want stay together under pressure….so the Asian bikes are
still the ones to beat….an the hp4 is not a regualt litre bike it has
more hp than most Asian they put it on a 600 frame to make it look better
an perform better is all…tired of hearing about the beemers…..ill take
my Asian bike any day…

Szymon Nowotniak says:

my zzr is blocked to 250km/h ;/////////

08turboSS says:

ZX10R is faster than the 14R or busa. So where’s the 10R?

wm056660d says:

So much more fun without the limiter.

jeff h says:

the qtr mile times are useless. he even missed a gear on the busa. top end
is what matters and if the busa was only one with stock pipes then its
skewed anyway. they all need to b complete factory except to remove the top
end speed limiter. that way u get a true answer. assuming the rider dosnt
do something to change the equation like sitting up instead of staying

SupaHotFire says:

I think the busa is too heavy plus it’s not attractive

John Elstone says:

*How fast does it go?*

*Here’s one group test that BMW’s S1000RR might not win. BMW’s ultimate
version of the S1000RR; their super-advanced HP4, is current champion in
its class, and won our MCN superbike shootout hands down.*

c/o: +MCN – 

игор горов says:

всё это очень приблизительно(зависит от мотоциклиста и от
заинтересованности),даже на старой “Хаябусе”умудрялись выйти из 10сек на
четверти мили….

Csaba Tomasits says:

Ummm…I measure my busa weight,and its(with some mods,like yoshimura
exhaust system etc) 231kg(half tank) on the papers 243kg(without fuel) and
266kg yours ? (same busa,just with stock exhaust and different color)…

A Sam says:

It shocking how easy it is for bikes to hit 150 mph. <3 my Panigale.

DIOSpeedDemon says:

My RaCING MOPED is faster than all three of those POSERS!!!!

Lain Kojima says:

What does the withe light do on the bmw?

Nova Smith says:


Manilla Kemp says:

what a bushit video with a bullshit rider you can see he wasnt giving the
kawasaki and the suzuki there full potential why didnt they put the three
bikes together with three different riders like the deullo video where the
bullshit ends z10r is farster

Devil Tiger says:

eh you idiot, you know speedo’s are off by +/- 10% right?

geo smith says:

I’m sorry, but you also need to test with a Real rider.. no REAL rider
says “that’s fast enough” thanks, have a nice day.

IntlExec Iceland says:

your damn voice makes more f….g noise that the exhaust of the bike SHUT

RA1994AQ16 says:


Jay Kay says:

you need someone that doesnt wet their pants gettin up to speed,,,,it would
be nice to see top speed…not wht this rider thinks is fast to
him,,geeezzzzzzzzz snozzzzzzzeen 

CHOPERUS23 says:

Man that underwater audio is awful

Elijah Pitts says:

who cares if a bike is 1 second faster, at 190+ that dumb shit dont matter.

Ivan Ka says:

Самые быстрые !

Darude Sandstorm says:

I’m driving Honda CBR1000RR and SP2 but had the opportunity to test the HP4
I’m not saying my Honda’s are bad. They are still top notch in the
supersport segment just as the R1, GSXR1000 and Ninja… But that HP4 is
just 1-level above dominance.
Where other bikes are at their limit the HP4 pushes out that little more.

However for mortal souls there is little difference between 305 km/h (HP4)
and 300 km/h (CBR1000RR) ^^

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