Kawasaki H2 2015 ridden at Rockingham by Neevesy | First Ride | Motorcyclenews.com

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A steady start reveals that there isn’t much difficult about riding the Kawasaki H2. Lucky owners will be relieved to hear that beyond the hype it’s just a normal bike that pulls very hard when the motor is ‘on the pipe. But it doesn’t carry it’s bulky 238kg weight well on track.

It’s not the supercharged part of the H2’s make-up that makes it such a handful around Rockingham – that’s relatively unremarkable – but the weight, the instability on and off the power and the low speed throttle response. A Suzuki Hayabusa would have been easier to ride.

At the beginning of the day (in this video) I didn¹t enjoy riding the H2 around the track, but during the afternoon it grows on me. It¹s actually fun to control something so out of shape, leaving huge back lines on acceleration and snaking into corners with the rear tyre and supercharger squealing in protest.

Now, a day later, I can¹t stop thinking about this scary, fun, mental, annoying, brilliant, flawed, snatchy, smooth, slow, fast contradiction of a beast. It¹s stirred-up more emotions than any bike I¹ve ever ridden. I think I like it.

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MCN - Motorcyclenews.com says:

Kawasaki H2 2015 ridden at Rockingham by Neevesy

TrueDesireHD says:

check revzilla, they have way better audio quality.
Sena BT gopro pack, buy it, use it…

EletroBoy TV says:

I think youtube is not paying well those guys, their videos used to be so
good. Don´t bother publishing videos with broked microphones

MCN - Motorcyclenews.com says:

FWIW we’ve teamed up with Sena and this was our first (straight out of the
box) test of the new Prism and the SMH10-R… We actually have a few
options to tweak but the audio will be improving from now on.

For those asking ‘why we upload S*^t like this??!’ it’s because the only
other option is NOT uploading this stuff, and we’d rather share *something*
than nothing. And we’ll get better quicker through experience :)

Vincent Vega says:

What a beast !! Look at that corner exit speed !!!

Jack Rayment says:

If this was a supercharged bmw he would have probably made a mess in his
Always slate kawasaki’s get out of bmw’s arse

uhhtears says:

No need to put music on this video! People want to hear the bike!

ricky simmonds says:

Neevesy doesn’t like another Kawasaki…….shock!!

Stevo Reno says:

Waist of my time, Neeves always gives the best reviews on bikes but this
one was just wind noise = thumbs down

CycleCruza says:

What exactly is the H2’s purpose? Not really an ideal track bike and not
really an ideal street bike. Seems like Kawasaki just wanted to build a
fast bike with a lot of hype behind it. $10k more than the 2015 R1, what do
you exactly get for $10k more besides a little more power? The pretty
speedometer and supercharger is nice but $10k more nice? Not to me.

wagner oliveira says:

Amazing video but.. Please put subtitles. I can’t understand nothing that

hung huge says:

I’ve said since the launch that the none R version will be way heavy and
not all that powerful. This is one of the very few reviews of the none R
and it’s as expected – the hype of the R is all that’s been selling the
standard H2 to people who can’t tell the difference or think this is just
an R with plates.
I can’t wait to see the faces on all the try hards who got it to show off
when it gets a kicking from almost every other superbike. 238kg? What were
they thinking?

Mr.Marty McFly says:

I don’t understand how motovloggers have better mics than a bike magazine.
It’s really not that hard to fix gents

MrPninja says:

No surprises he hated the ZX10r, but I don’t care as they keep winning

Stephen O'Rourke says:

Music isn’t needed. Horrible volume and sort out the mic lads. Otherwise
keep up the good work

Phonichally says:

For one its not a track day bike. I personally own a h2 and if he cant feel
the supercharger he isnt riding it hard enough.

2012 zx14r says:

whoever you guys used for the “R1 group test” that did editing and sound
should be your #1 guy.

I def appreciate the free content, but now that you got me addicted you
can’t lower the quality and expect us not to criticize…..especially with
the H2

Bazawaza1 says:

Like riding a Whale ! … lol

Richard Dudley says:

Alot of moaning and groaning there lol. Must be a lot louder than the R1
because couldn’t hear you compared to the other video

Beaver 314 says:

Come on, MCN. Why would you even bother uploading this shit?

Tom Clarkson says:

Good picture quality but awful audio. Hope this is a one off guys.

Vman says:

The reason I dislike is because not one shot of the H2 was shown, nor was
there a recap with out a helmet mic…. Come on now guys.. If your audio is
that bad, just do a voice over..

bchant19 says:

anyone else struggling to hear the commentary its very muffled?

Sangus Brule says:

That Kia advert was terrible, made for Hampstead viewers only. 

minazmorgul says:

Even normal youtubers, they could get better sound quality, better video
this is lame,…

Talonz501 says:

Terrible video! All full of exhales, distorted audio, and staring at the
riders helmet….wtf.

Alclab Ventek says:

Ok.. so a lot has been said about the audio, and I don’t like being another
one; but come on MCN! Your videos used to be the best ones to check out
bikes, comparison, rides, reviews… Even for some of us when we got into
Motorcycles! But this audio problem has been going on for quite some time
(maybe more than a year?), and it even appears to get worse every time…

Please do try! a lot of us miss the great reviews, and your top
moto-journalists, but it’s become pointless watching your videos as of
late when we can’t hear anything that you say about the bike or even the
engine …

Let’s hope this new “team up” with Sena helps with the issue. Cheers

Pushkar Khot says:

Please give a normal bike review like u generally do in which people can
understand , I was wating for mcn’s H2 review but video was a serious
disappointment, u guys are best in giving the reviews please don’t drop ur
Waiting for a better H2 review video 

jmpicturefly says:

thank you neevesy and mcn team. I really enjoyed this format of review, i
am sure you will sort the audio quality on the next one. keep it up!

PunyDeano says:

Some real hating going on here lol. Agreed definitely dont need the music,
none of us came here for that.

Hope the audio improves with time 

Petrol Head says:

a voice over or subtitles are required all I could understand is that it
rides like a whale and you need to be Jeff Capes to work the clutch (Any
one under 40 will have to ggogle who jeff capes was 🙂 )

Stephen S says:

WTF is he saying???

Scott Thomson says:

Shocking! and not the 1st time a vid from you guy’s has been utter sh8te.
everything about it!

jerichom11x says:

Wtf is this garbage?

Austin Carrow says:

MCN Riders=best job of 2015?

Ieuan Evans says:

Poor overall in my opinion first ride test way too negative from the test
rider, he should not ride a bike he obviously dislikes which can be clearly
heard with the Jeff Capes jibe about the clutch at the end…I would have
hoped that MCN would have released an unbiased view of the bike in
video…shame really been following MCN since 1979…if the tester wants to
ride a bike to complain about an ageing 1999 R1 would make him change his
mind I have one and cannot afford any of the new or not so new bikes on my
budget…..perspective is key I suppose.

My two pennies worth, take or leave it…..but don’t take offence.

sonotover says:

Weak, why even upload this garbage?

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