Yamaha ‘Yard Built XV950 Boltage | Features | Motorcyclenews.com

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This is Yamaha’s own new video chronicling the creation of its latest ‘Yard Built’ custom, an XV950 Bolt converted by the rather bizarrely-named ‘Benders’ custom house in The Netherlands. And yes, there are check shirts everywhere… Nice vid tho’…

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future62 says:

What a waste. I hope you guys were handsomely paid. Would have been nice to
know how it rides

The Gentleman Biker says:

Cracking looking bike with a great sound. Unfortunate name though…

Ichiban Moto says:

Yamaha needs to drop one by my shop. I will draw up a list of bad ass mods
and get cracking on it ! I have a plaid shirt all wrinkled up and ready
for the video shoot ;)

gm16v149 says:

That’s what bikes should sound like, it kind of reminds me of my Yamaha XS
1A I bought new a long time ago.
You can tell that bike is an imitation of a HD XR750 road racer, nothing
wrong with that though.

MCN - Motorcyclenews.com says:
Tony Coyote says:

Great rebuilding. 

elmanitasdeplomo says:

I quite like the bike but it’s bound to be way too expensive for me. It
also should have a double disc up front.
Fellow Dutchies please correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think these guys
are Dutch! They sound very German to me, the landscapes also look very
un-Dutch to me, road signs etc.

ABelgianBiker says:

nice looking bike!

diegoalejandro64 says:

beautiful bike and the sound is just awesome

kiffy07 says:

this bike is bad AF! +MCN – Motorcyclenews.com 

MrSlowestD16 says:

That’s a pretty bad-ass lil build.

wormytom says:

yard built at a custom shop???? Benders is about right, cringed the whole
way through

andres felipe restrepo says:

Echa un vistazo a este vídeo en YouTube:

Phil Graingar says:

Yamaha ‘Yard Built XV950 Boltage | Features | Mot…:

William Gregory says:

Very nice but I wonder how long it would take for those exhausts to start
burning your legs off?

TheVJProduction says:

“xv950 is an ideal base” “just removed everything” yea…thats like
contradicting yourself. notice how theres no full shots of the bike, its
because the lines of the xv950 are ugly as hell.

oi32df says:

why not simply buy a Yamaha BT 1100 Bulldog

daniel barone says:

If you don’t love bikes you shouldn’t be criticizing quit being a hater why
don’t you make a video of what you built just another Monday Morning
Quarterback it’s awesome way to repurpose that lump great engine

Nick Cole says:

That looks and sounds incredible!

Peter Andrews says:

Sweet Ride 

silverfoils says:

You can’t polish a turd ;^)

HotrodADV71 says:

Awesome bike!

João Ferreira says:




Will Best says:

Very nice!

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