2015 Yamaha R1 onboard at Jerez | Road tests | Motorcyclenews.com

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Go onboard with Senior Road Tester Michael Neeves as he tests the new Yamaha R! round the Jerez circuit.

See how the new R1 faired against its rivals here: https://youtu.be/7V4kMSXKn9g

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MCN - Motorcyclenews.com says:
Surf Pilot says:

Rossi Would have been proud of them lean angles, nice job sir.

Safety Sally says:

That looks unsafe guys!

NZsarge1 says:

Very nice, bike looks very settled.

Andrés Padilla says:

I get the feeling Nevsy will go and drop his S1000RR instead get this R1!

coenijn says:

I want that lean angle indicator built into my GoPro :p

Sarath Menon says:

Those are some mighty impressive laps. For a production road legal
motorcycle, it’s impressive how well it leans and how well all the
electronics comes together. I have a feeling that if you could get a time
machine, and transport this R1 5 or 6 years back, it could easily outlap a
few motogp motorcycles. Kudos!

Denis Collins says:

Riding since 1967 and it just gets better. I never miss my brilliant weekly
read well done Lads and Alisson . Keep up the brilliant coverage. My seed
is a Ducati 900 SS.
Denis Collins, Kinsale, Ireland

Samurai H says:

Great ride very nice skills
Thumbs up

pokuri harsha says:
Matt R C says:

Me want.

cicci0salsicci0 says:

I don’t have lap times, but i think if you could take this bike back in
time 10 years, it would be as fast, if not faster than a motogp. Still
then, having the money and the opportunity, i would prefer the H2. 

Christopher Brown says:

That is some good riding, Well done Rossi would be proud of them lean

LDNRider says:

Teach me Sempai! 

Anthony evert says:

108Ibs/ft know wonder that shit goes fast from 80-150mph

TheTonicro says:


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